omg omg omg omg
been ages since i lat blogged. so hectic man these few days ..
im now stayin at me ah ma house.
it feels like kampong to me ! no technology no nthin..
this place is so cramp and dirty too.. omg lift is slowwwwwww and scaryyy...
and tough she lives one the top storey ..
there are still MILLIONS of bugs tht fly up here !! omg dam EEEEEEWW.
tonnes of flies.. HUGE beetles... OMG!! eeeeeeeeeeeeek
anw i have a million things to post about.. Firtsly .. all my zoo pictures !!
anw the pics are all in a mess .. so yea.. ENJOY again!as usual. toilet again ==
and again =)
even the insects were extra large!
then went for diff types os shows ..
and this peacock is simply b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l
then we went to walk all over the place .. takin all sorts of pictures.
then took a break at kfc =]
and continued our journey ...
good right my photography skills? close up so nice=] can see the web against the sun. awesome !this tiny monkey is so cute ! i was eatin my wang wang
ahahahhahaha alrighty .. think thts about all for LAST friday .. omg
hmm then sunday when to da yi house ... cam whored a little ..
and i really bth my photography .. haha !!
jia ccan be my model ..
praises myself *
alright .. this is saturday .. sun.. then sun we went dunno whr .. errr then forgot wad i did the whole week.. went prawning on friday ...
with all the cousins ... AWESOME OUTING DAY.. we should do it more !!
i was so good at prawning man !! but i felt totally bad when we had to bbq them right after we caught them ..
sinful .. tsk tsk ..
then went for a late night movie with :
my mum
my dad
my bro
hau san
bin gor gor
shan mum
shan dad
ahahahhahahahah ice age was cool and funny !! loved the part whr they breahed in the gas and their voices went funny !! lol laughed my ass off ..
then went to prata house.. with
hau san
then sent jia and hau san home.. and i came back to this kampong area..
went ecp and had the most enjoyable time of my life !!
and thanks for the lovely presents !
i recieved :
nike bagg (just wad i needed)
stitch wallet(just wad i wanted)
sweater (just wad i yearned for )
pencil box (just wad could help )
sunflower (just for brightenin up my day )
yeaa .. hee thanks all !!
poh jin
soon seng
si qi
jian duan
seng gen
ming hong
yong sen
chee seng
yao zu
mei yu
jin teng
here are the pics !
we ate, we played and we had fun !
played volley ball and all sorts of games we could think of with one ball..
best was the beach volley ball ! haha
and thats abuot it wad happened so far...
LOL went for miss ong surprise ... kinda boring tough . but glad miss ong is happy
going watch house of wax !
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 12:05 AM