helllloooo peeeeps !
nthin much happenin in my life currently .
life's pretty boring now . LOL
all im doing is hunting for new songs for me ipod and playin around and editin photos ! sorting out me com and all... SUPER BORING !!
but lately been catchin up with lost friends.. like jeremy and imran . LOL
and i cant believe ive known imran for like 11 yrs ? sheeesh.
and he wants me to mention him on my blog. and so i just did.
and thks for messin with my brain about the camera thingy.
hmm this one dot person came and tagged tht it took an hour to read my previous posts...
lol and it set me thinkin...
who would really read my posts daily ? i mean ... who would ? well for me i do read blogs tht are updated often...
but honestly .. how many of you really read my blog post for post? and if you do miss a days's post.. would you go back and read it ?
and would ppl wanna go into my archives just to read from strt about me life?
hah hah hah. im being random again.
aite i shall stop right here !
two more days to friday ! yay =]
and yay also tht i can sleep within 1 hr ! WOO improvin !
heeeeeebehind head twist!
TA !
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 2:07 PM