hmmm... NOT ME !
bwahahahahahahahahh . wow weeeee ... so much gas in me ~
AHAHHAAHAH i realised tht i dont so much back in singapore ...
and i have no idea why im doing it so oftenly here....
BEHOLD !! the POWER of the FRENCH ONION !! ahahahahahhahahah
guess what. found this picture on the net somewhere...
AHAHAHAH do you guys get it ?!
LOL u must be a dope if you dont...
so cute how cartoons can be drawn.
well anyway.. i've been having gastric pains in the night. RAWR~
first the neck ... then then the chest.. and now the stomach. >_>
fated to love you .... insomnia.... i love youuuu ~
hmmm. today... today is wednesday... SHOCKINLY. i woke up earlier today !
ahahahaha went out to the wednesday market just a few streets down ...
bought some plants...
forgot the names... will upload a photo for the next post~ *potential proof tht fafa (or her mum) has been secretly stalking me* tsk
then came back home to clean the house. WOW.... webs EVERYWHERE....
spiders...excellent construction workers, or excellent architects ?
YOICK ~ cut the crap. well anyway...
check this out :
WHAHAHAHAHAH . joyyodda is in a DRESS ?!? loool
who says i cant look like a lady huh ? I CAN OKAY !
i know i usually look like this:
MUAHAHHAHAHAH but i can be on and off. afterall. half man ... also means. HALF WOMENN.
omg i just spoiled my own image with tht super UNGLAM pic of myself.
who cares. i wont be meeting ANY of you readers... aahahahhaha cause im here ! and your not!
ok im high for nthin.
tomorrow's thurday. OH NO !! ITS FRENCH LESSONS AGAIN !!
RAWR~ & i better dress more like a kid tml huh. SO THT I WILL LOOK MY AGE.... which is 17 and NOT 20 PLUSS .....
sheeeesh. husband? joke =_=''
anyway... YESSAR !! i managed to install CS 1.6 into my computerrrr !
WEEEEFFF~ had a few rounds with mr Chen.
dam i should have taken a screen shot ...
this retarded wen chen ... made a smily face.. with GUNS.
but got destroyed by who ? an outsider tht joinned into our game !
then WARRR . kick ass time ! lool
and gawd i should really take time off to tidy my come folders. MY WHOLE FREGGIN COMP IS LAGGGIN LIKE NO TML.
and and and.... heard tht thr was an earthquake in singapore ? so cooool... no i mean .. not cool .. but cool as in its nice to hv a tinie winie exp of a ground shock huh.
and and and and ... the interent connection SUCKS !
has this gotta do with the earthquake ?
hmmm i wonder...
oh dear... would you look at the time....
you know ?
i feeel tht my posts lately are super boring. super unnecessary.super out of topic. super random. super no style. super rushed . super messy... and supper err ? LOUSY ?
im feeelin so sad ! so sad... so sad....
oh man... maybe i shall go read up more on the BEST ASIAN BLOGGERS. and learn some tips from them.
what makes a blog interesting... what makes a GOOD blog. what makes an AWESOME BLOGGER.
okay. i shall go dream about it tonight~
p.s. i neeed n want tht songg=(
& till the day my card expires. the deal will still be in service =)
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 1:33 PM