a two day interval break between my post! WOO~
so not used to it.
from EVERYDAY. i think im gonna just have to blog every TWO days.
heee heee.
yadayadayada ...
anyway i skipped bloggin about thurs, fri and today!
short summary. on thurs , school was HORRIBLE.
pooor me. AHHHH !! SAD SAD SAD.
and the food was HORRIBLE tooo... oh and did i mention tht the food was HORRIBLE ??
ahhahahahahahhahah horrible horrible. PRISON FOOOD.
then after school... met up with vesnessa and we took a train home tgt but i got off first.
SOME pics ! =)
yepp. random random.
woot wooot!
studied while in the train. how VERY hardworking ehy ?
then had to catch up and self study tht night.
had HOMEWORK. wow my very first home assignment.
but it was manageable.
didnt have the time to blog and so i went to sleep.
THEN FRIDAY. woppeee. friday was fun.
i warmed up alot with my classmate. i mean ALOT.
friday was full of fun.
class for me was a little better. wasnt so '' alien '' to me... maybe cause the unite wasnt too hard.
some pics about sch and sch mates !
dont be shocked !! =D
(taken on thurs n fri) *poor quality, sorry, cause i was using my lousy hp*CHINA BOY junbin !! 178 cm. TALL !=) DO-RE-MI ~
nthin better to do during our ONE HOUR AND A HALF BREAK.
lol just wandered around our school's HUGE feild.
i wanna record my life in sch. and how they talk.
SOON i hope ? gonna be kinda awesome hey? =)
anyway. on friday, this is wad i wore :
i bunn-ed up my hair. with ONE CHOPSTICK.
ppl from my class , kept wantin to pull out the chopstick in my hair. like lol?
all facinated like how i do it and all.
then while in the canteen, a few normal french people came up to me and asked if i was from korea, or japan.
and i wondered. is it really tht ''interesting'' ?
lol and my sri lankan friend has been pestering me to allow her to pull it out.
and i agreed. and WOAH was she high ?
god man. HAHHAHA 16 year olds !! *TSKK!!
*joking. i was 16 just a FEW months ago. hee heee*
THEN yeah... anyway .
on thursday, during our lunch break, we had to que up to scan our canteen card for excess into the canteen, one of our classmates was just infront of me.
and the que was takin forever... then he realised tht i was behind him.
and he turned around to say hi. ( he was from rome, and speaked a little english)
and he added, tht he liked my eyes.
and so i was like '' WOAH! coolness, my eyes have some FACTOR?! '' (of course i was just thinking to myself)
and then i replied '' really? aww thanks. ''
then he said '' yes...i really like them =)'' . smiled and turned back facing the front.
i was kinda happy? lol kinda heartwarmin to hear tht from a romian boy.
cause in singapore, imve only heard ppl sayin tht they liked my eyes for the colour.
cause usually we asian have black, or very dark brown pupils.
and wad more im in FRANCE. there're like blue, green, light brown, hazel.. etc etc.
so im kinda ''hidden''
and thts why when he said he liked my eyes i was over the moon.
AHAHHAAHHA then moments later, he turned around again and said '' i really like your eyes, cause its like this'' :
and i was like HURRH?!?!
SIAN DIAO LAH !! ._.''
china eyes ?! URH MAN !! U HAVE GOTTA BE KIDDIN ME=.=
RAWRR i was like DAM ! for a moment there i really thought he liked my eyes.
wad a joke. then yeah.
tht was thursday.. and he gave me his marble, in class.
tht day,class has already started... he sits opposite me.
so its like i face him he face me...
can u guys imagine ?
and when the teacher is not lookin he's like psstt psst* joy! *waves frantically* and it caught my attention.
and he mouths with his lips the word :d-r-a-g-o-n b-a-l-l
and does tht HA DOO GEN action.
and i laughed and knodded tellin him tht ive heard of it.
and he shows me this marble and does tht HA DOO GEN action with the marble inbetween his palms.
and i laughed. thinkin to myself. AHAHAHAH OMG!! 16 yr olds !! LOL !!
ahhaahh then he throws over his marble to let me examine it..
and he then mouths out tht its his dragon ball marble.
and when i wanted to throw it across back to him, he said to keep it.
and so i did.... lol.
then yeah, on friday... he started to warm up to me ALOT.
and he secretly took a pic of me . like wth. then the stupid class started to pair the both of us up. LIKE WTH.
so primary school . HAHAHAAAH
then there was a few ''pairs'' in the class. i dont know how to explain. lol but i think we just had nthin better to do.
we pair up, asian with asian, me and tht china guy at first, and now this ROMAN guy.
then the indian with indian the turk with turk, moscow with moscow and so on.
so old school right ? but yeah its kinda fun.
joked alot during breaks and after sch.
then like after school on friday, he told me tht he was just kidding with me.
and im like i know...
haha so afterall , joker but still, the respect for me is still there =)
then on the way out of school ... he walked infront kinda a far distant away from me and my other 2 friends, he turns around and sends me this '' flying kiss ''
AHAHAHAH and my friend pretends to take this batt, and hits it away. and he reacts as tough his heart has broken into two.
LOL dam funny. really a joker.
hahahahahh but yeah, we're cool.
CLEAN. just playin around.
at least im not so afriad of my classmates now. we've warmed up alot.
just tht language barrier. AHAHAHAHAH all sorts of sign language comes out.
alrighty, then i sat on the tram alone, and off to the train station alone.
then while waiting for the train.
this is what happened to ME ~
yeeaa-up! lucky me ! kana BIRDSHIT !!
swayness... nono, luckyness.
WOO of all ppl. ME =D
ahhahha okok enough of sch.
i came home dam shagged. but managed to tahan till dunno wad time. then i really shut off.
anyway yeah. today saturday~
yada yada.
then errr
we decided to go down to big town! or city ?? no idea. to BORDEAUX !
and so i went to get prepared and all...
then before we setted off, look who decided to come visit us ?
right at our doorstep.
i didnt really dare to open the door, i was afraid tht he might just jump up to attack me.
lol paranoid me.
anyway better be safe than sorry hey ? =)
and then off we went!
check out my queeen ~waaahh, relax only ah ?! HAHAHAHA short legged advantage*
took this pic while on the highway. beautiful aint it? =)
bought booots !! WOW WEE~
the most expensive footware i have ever bought in my short 17 yrs of living!
and my queen's long 45++++ yrs of living !
check it out !
nutcase. AHH!! so expensive.
hopefully it will last me all the way back to singapore.
but then again, who would wear in singapore.... so effing hot, even if i did, i might be starred at T.T
ppl think i KUA ZHANG, just a show off, or think im from china ._.''
AHH GAWD. i really love the lifestyle and weather here.
but thts close to imposible.
high cost of living !! ARGH!!
sobs. goodbye dream ='(
born in singapore, die in singapore..
wah now come to think of it, stay here for 2 yrs is SUPER SHORT.
ARRGHH !! i wanna cry already.
WISH AH WISH AH !! sobs sobs.
queen says, if im lucky enough to get a boyfriend tht signs onto the airforce, i can be assured tht i would be able to travel overseas at least ONCE.
best. get pilot bf 0.0 HAHA
WAHHH. i kept thinkin ... thinkin and thinkin so duper far.
and its almost impossible. ARGHH.
sad i wanna cry aready .
*gone to one corner to emo*
i'll talk about this some other day.
ANYMOOOS , today, for lunch we ate at BUFFALO GRILL RESTAURANT.
DAM CLASS/vintage?
(2nd time in 4 months of living here in france, eating out! TSK!)
thier baffalo wings are TEH BEST !! (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)
they should have this in singapore !! WAHH but so dam ex. =.='
and yepp!
some more random pics i took today!took this pic while in the car. father and son on random patch of grass collectin wild mushroom. cute =)
and yeah! tht wraps up these 3 days !
tomorrow going for the sunday marker !
just for a little while in the morning! and its back home for work!
well anyway long post !! SUPER LONG!!
this is wad happens if i dont blog for 3 days. hee heee.
anyone anticipating my update ?
guess not. only a few taggers. how sad ! ='(
but so harmwarming to see ONE reaction from a passerby.
NOTICING tht i hvnt been bloggin . hahaah THANKS !! WO/MAN !! =D
really happy to know!
alrighty! DAM SHAGGED !!
im off to bed now !!
AHH!! tomorrow is sunday already =(
& its the weekend... no .. it WAS the weekend.
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 1:50 PM