so sorry for the super wordly last two posts.
well anyway !
its been a couple of days since my last post was up.
OKAY lets cut straight to the point!
i have loads of pics to share.
and i realised...
that im really bloggin without a style =/
awwww thts sad...
i have a boring blog =(
ive read blogs tht are so blooooddy awesome but i just ccant grab tht bloggin skill tht they have =/
oh joyyy ..... you have a long way to go...
just be good and stick to your lousy bloggin method.
well anyhoooos!
its sunday tonight! YIKES!
it seemed only like a few minutes ago tht i heard myself go ' HEY ITS FINALLY FRIDAY !'
and loook at the time now...
sunday night 11 45pm.
just managed to squeeze out some 25 to 35 words for my worksheet one french.
toook me like 20 mins.
totally fail. LOL
anyway lets talk a little bit about school again?
on friday it was some kinda japanese day sorta?
they offered asian food with CHOPSTICKS as our utensils.
how cool is tht.
only on tht special day.. made me feel proud to be an asian.
having everyone comin to you and askin ' JOYYYY !! HOW DO YOU USE A CHOPSTICK?! '
and being blown away at how easily i pick up my foood with it.
and here are just random shots along the day (:look at my msn group. ALL TURCS. lol they dont even speak in french.
and i dunno why i even created this group -.- haha
Then on friday evening i spent the time cuttin my FUCHUN PRI leader ship T ... whahahahahaha
once again! into the singlet. LOL
ahahahahh nonsense.
im bad at cuttin hey?
oh well.
it was just for fun.
im gonna wear it prolly at home just for a few times then throw it away or smth =s
alright and so .. here are just some pics i took with MY DREAM camera tht time when king borrowed it home =))
and thts about all~
its kinda late already.
i hvnt blogged about today.
and ytd.
ahahahah blogg some other time.. on SAT AND SUN!
ive yet to choose my clothes for tml... and pack my bagg.
i shall vanish now~
& why am i feelin the slightest sense of worry? =/
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 3:18 PM