voila! my new swing with its cute yellow roof! this time im smart enough to add bed frames under the swing for DOUBLE SUPPORT! :D O_O i accidentally went over a snail while mowing the lawn =(( IM SORRY! sobs. and and this is my previous ROTTING awing tht broke into two by MEEE! :D we had guests for the night. UNCLE SEE HWA , AUNTY SEE HWA and JUNIOR SEE HWA :D HOHO! oyster party! (eeeek) =s heh well. so this is friday! saturday, AS USUAL , we headed out for bordeaux. and just normal veggie shoppin ... blah blah blah. but this time. WE WENT TO IKEA! heh to have lunch and just walk around (: viola! our lunch! 50 cents euros! SAME AS SINGAPORE's ikea's hot dog! heh only tht the bread used here is alot nicer! THE FRENCH STYLE! heehee then then nice rooms blah blah blah heh look at the beds of the future! whahahah eat sleep play all in one area. maybe even toiletting =/ LOL and the second pic wasnt from ikea. i found it on the net somewhere? but i really like the whole idea of it :D found this SUPER cute rabbit while at the pet store! it was the most hyper one in the group. the most UNIQUELY lookin also ! whahaah it seroiusly doesnt look like a rabbit. more like a small puppy(or some hairy mountain bull LOL). check out its fur! its like AFRO STYLE! LOOOL! heehee its costs 38 euros! highnesses said if we could stay here for more than 2 yrs. we'd definately get it. is bloody cute! I SWEAR! awwww ! ahahahahha and okay so thts for sat. THEN SUNDAY! i finally found time to go joggin! WEEE! MY NEW SPORTS SHOES! awww it'd be great it i had this like a few years back for netball. i'd be FLYING ACROSS COURTS! LOOL! (Y) nice pair ^^ and ive finally allowed myself to open us my new NARNIA watch. whahahah it looks pretty coool . but NARNIA spoils the whole feel . WHAHAHAHAH im glad its not obvious. heh this was a gift from my coach! for being the hardest worker on court for tht particular day's match ! HEEHEEE xD AND THTS ABOUT ALL! LOOOL then then nthin much interesting happened after. DEAR CALLED ME! yayy like finally we caught up in like 1 mnth? whahahhahahah feeeels goood to be on the phone with ur bestest bud! HONEY LI! JE T'AIME! :D heh. and well ... today. SCH SUCKS! LOOOL i finally took revenge on tht idiot. he kept using his flexi ruler to hit the top of my head. giving me those SHOCKS you know? argh the feelin sucks. i TOLERATED! whahahahhaah till i couldnt take it cause i wanted to listen. so i just got up and snatched his book of the table and sent it flying right into his face. but dam he was fast. he blocked it with his hands. teach saw and he got scolded. like LOOOL! serves him right. well , he's definately gonna hold a grudge towards me. BRING IT ON MAN! ahahahhahaah i'll just target his '' little brother'' the next tym if he drives me to edge. NO MATTER HOW FREAGGIN STRONG YOU ARE. NO MATTER HOW BLOODY TALL U ARE. NO MATTER HOW AWFULLY BIG UR MUSCLES ARE. WHEN I STIRKE YOUR LITTLE TOOT, YOU WILL FALL. AND YOU WILL FALL DOWN HARD YOU LITTLE BASTARD. mauhahahahahah i sound so evil. well of course i wont do tht. i might cause him to be impotent O_O GEE. then wad goes aronud comes around! OMG! scully my future husband .......... G_G whahahahhaah okok . i wont do tht. YIKES! its like 1 09?! by right its like 12 09! ARGH! stupid day light saving. sobs i still need to adjust . whahahahah alrightios! AU REVOIR! p/s: skippin is seriously more fun than running (: TA!
whahahahah i'll call ya ;Dyay! group shot!
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 4:20 PM