Bonsoir a tous !
yozzzz. im so meant to have started on my shit load of hmk tuday! :((
but i kinda side tracked back to sortin my photos!
it just bugs me... to leave somethin undone aside...
i wont be able to concentrate on doing my new task.
and SOO. i got my dec album all sorted! YEH! *punches air shows peace sign* xD
hohoho. but its tuesday... tht leaves me... 5 days to finish my schwk:(
5 days?! T.T
someone kill me now.
wanna photo spam this post !
as u all know, its XMAS SEASON!!
but like ive mentioned in my previous post... Xmas is like NO xmas.
well, a few gathering were organised... But, the feelin just aint thr :(
anyway, on the 23rd. on eve's eve of xmas.
i went to daddy's camp for a mini xmas party!
no idea why i picked out this outfit.
but oh well. ahahahah woman in black ~ pew pew pew. stay away .
photo spam!
( *****)
i've gotta comment on this.
pooor guy. mr jeremy here got banged by his work mates.
some TRADITION i heard.
ahahhaah whr you'd just torture the one who's gonna return bk to singapore.
thts kinda scary!
well bottom line is...
pooor guy got tied up.. and got thrown at with stinky eggs and vinegar flour etc.
and boy oh boy ! when he got out of tht chair... everyone who took part in the fun, scrammed. hahahhaa
they started chasin each other all around base.
he walked past me a few times and OH.MY.GOD.
he smelt bad.... and i mean.. REALLY BAD :x
ahahah k moving on now ...
my zhuzhupet!
hahahhahaha its kinda cute right?
so wad if its for kids?
im a kid too right? a kid turning 19 soon ! LOOOL
sighh.. 19.... 19 ?? sigh 19 :((
who's kid did i kidnap this time?
heheee. i cant really rmb his name ... but i do rmb tht it was some chimology name!
anyway. he's rather kute.
he wasnt afraid of anyone! and just happily sat on my lap , and we instantly became Bffs. LOOOOOL
and thts when i introduced to him the ITOUCH!
wooo! and i got him hostaged for about an hour. hahahaha
naaa just kiddin (:
i made em both a couple cozz... this pretty lady here couldnt let go of mr ong.
ho ho ho love is in the air~
anyway speakin of mr ong.
check out his macro!
haahahaahh loved his expression (Y)
i hope he doesnt see this if not im gonna be in deeep shitzzz! O:
aww no harm done thr! everyone needs a lil laugh hey? :D
done with 23 and now movin onto 25 of dec.
went to mei zhen ai yi's place for a pot luck dinner!
looks yummy huh? (:
haahah some game whr you have to explain wad the word written on the card is.
for example :
tourist attraction.
hahahaha you have to describe the word 'sg zooo' without using the words below. if not u'll get penalized!
each person is given about 1 min to describe the word on their card.
overall it was pretty awesome.
and i got the most points! heheee *bragg bragg* XD
me too pro ! (Y) whoot!
ahhaha okok
loads of pressies (: but! only like 6 or 7 were for gift exchange.
tadah! all unwrapped! :D
cannot show :( veli unglam
but for the exchangin gift part... i found it pretty boring just pickin a number and then exchangin , so i introduced to em.. this open and snatch rule.
we're so gonna do this with all the relatives for next yr's xmas!
woo! cant wait :))
after the gift exchange. we headed straight home.
but! stopped by for some pictures near our place:
ahahah give's the snow cold feel huh! :D
but its seriously cold. but only thing. no snow.
woo! kinda rhymes doesnt it? LOOL
anyway.. made this for my parents.
supposedly. i had the intention of makin a card. butten i just did this instead. and im happy tht i did it.
ive gotta say.. tht it isnt as simple as i thought it would be.
i spent quite an amount of time on it..
but . naaa. my parents dont see how hard it actually is to make this :/
(considering the fact tht im new to cs5)
boo! (N)
dad had to comment. grrrr
bahhh. tht didnt make me happy. i mean like... honestly ... ? i did this outta my own will.
FOR yous.
a little appreciation would be nice.
AND. on a side note..
i feeel psychologically psyched out.
hahaha okay ttht doesnt sound right...? :s
but yea..
stayin at home during the holidays is a nono.
BUT it seems tht i have no choice.
and this is one of the reasons why i'd rather stay up in the night than to wake up earlier to do my things.
at least, in the night, by myself with both of em' asleep. i feel more at ease...
oh this tension.
when will it go away ? :(
i dun wanna have this tight chest feeelin all day long.
i might die soon.
boo hoo
hahahahah!! tht just makes my day.. ((:
check this out.
its hilarious.
for those who dont geddit,
lemme just explain a few :D
1.) That's not right ------------------------- Sum Ting Wong (something wrong)
2.) Are you harbouring a fugitive? ------- Hu Yu Hai Ding (who u hiding)
ahahhaha i personally love numbers 5, 7, 15 , and 16!
LOOL naa in fact. i love all of em.
who ever thought of this must be a genius. :P
oh and.. i dont get number 10.
i still dont :/
ahhahahah if you do.. leave a tag! :D
credits to my bro..
he was the one who sent me this.
speakin of my bro!
we met on skype!
well not actually meet. he FORCED me to install skype .
well okok.. not actually FORCE me... errrrrr
thing is.. he bought me this stitch bag from taiwan and i've been dyin to see it. BUT he just has to make things hard for me. ZzZzZzzzz
he refuses to webcam on msn. soooooo i kinda HAD to download skype. PFFT
ahhaha oh well.
i saw the bag! and i loved it!!
thanks gor! <3
i can nv catch u with a decent face now can i ? (:
thts all for photo update.
hahahahaah feeeelin emo nemo :(
naa not emo. just feeelin MOODLESS.
1) im gonna wake up to the same old tension in the house
2.) my school's startin in 4 days.
3.) i hvnt touched my fshitload of hmk -.-
4.) & my back hurts.
yes! for i am miss complain queeen. its normal to hear me whine likka grape.
by clickin on my nuffy! LOOOL
i've so far... earned....
hurhurrr. not bad for starters ey! heheee
yayy keep clickin u kind souls!
i wanna be a billionaire! ^^
nuffnang's pretty awesome. i get to see who reads my blog.
not WHO in particular. but more of, whr from.
hahahaha SINGAPORE>france>others.
i feeel motivated knowing tht ppl read my blog. hahaha
thts kinda dumb huh? :/
oowah! scrollin up! i've vomited out one hella long post!
i think i shud end here....
random! check this out!
nice huh?
if im stayin here long term. i wouldnt mind gettin this.
BUTT its a couple jacket :/
wonder if they sell just one.
ahahahahah but naa i'll totally drop the idea. big nono.
im going back suuuuun T.T
thts so sad..
but not tht bad?
LOOL k i have no idea wad im talkin about.
i think i'll just stop here.
kinda tired from earlier on :S
oh badminton! nxt tues!
cant wait! :))
aites! thts all for now!
guuud night! sleep tight!
dun let the bed bugs bite (:
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 1:46 PM