well ..
3 days ago. she was still alive... and now.. she's 'underneath'...
today had to wake up early...then when we reached the funeral area we went thru a series of prayers and chants ...
then we had to walk around in circles and throw pieces of incense paper on the floor. it was all over the place..
then came performers to put up a show for my great granny..afterwards we lined up as they carried her coffin to the van. Standard procedure.. followed her van to certain distance and took the bus to the cemetery. And it was freggin hot.
and when we got to the cemetery, the weather had a sudden turn. it wasnt on our side...it starting pouring.. and all of us were in the rain as we prayed... joss sticks were soaked.. and our bodies, drenched...
and to see my grandma cry and 'sing' in the rain...wasnt a pleasant sight at all.
Then it was time.. my great grandma's coffin was lowered slowly into the ground...
and once tht was done. we each had to throw some rocks down onto her coffin and say 'tai ma, qi lai'.
meanin... 'great grandma, wake up'
it was time for her to go into the other world. we've burnt her a huge house, a car, alot of money etc etc..
urgh.. tht sight made my mind run wild...
then the rain was too heavy and we had to go on board the bus.
it rained like SHIT.
to pass by a fallin branch.and by e time we got back to the funeral site,
everything was a mess.
m tired.
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 5:28 AM