oh and did i also mention tht e toilets were like YUCK picnic-ed ... flew kite ... build sandcastles ... BLADED... dad actin cute !! took some shots wit me webbie b4 gg out the usual OVERHEAD bridge candid ! jia no face !! on e suspension bridge! lol. but wads wrong wit some CUZZY time tgt?? ahahahhahah then then played bball ... met so many SOLO KIAS .. sian lor.. eheehhehehehehehheeh i feeel tht i have alot more to type out but i guess this post is like super long.. lol and BTW.. m going to me other cousin ouse to stay .. Ah dao.. ahahahahha NO CURFEW AGAIN.. lols thinks thts about it.. ta~
sweep tomb.
didnt sleep. slacked on sofa all night.had to Q-up to pray.. lol
ecp ... hmm.. wad we did we do there? built castles
made sculptures(but got smashed due to some idiot)
random shots.
afterwards just went out and rushed to GM's place at night..
watched DARK water.. and i forgot to eat >.<
we are all lame i know..
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 6:59 AM