been how many days since i last posted? hmm.. series of events happened.. ahahahahahahhmmmmm.... went east coast with my cousin .. we wanted to challenge where we last stopped.. but we stopped at our first pit stop.and stayed there e whole evening... brought along quite an amount of food. Lol MAC. TIBITS etc etc .. lack water only... MAC
ahahhahahahah man...
Lemme just show you SOME of e photos we took...go against the wind jia!
this was ealier in the day
campin ??
rock climbing??
self timed SHOT.
dunno wad she doin. listenin to rock's heartbeat?
Oh ya did i mention.. we did SANDbathing .. and the next day .. i had many itches !! jia. Ni hai wo ar.. wad shinny legs... LAIR.
and then it srted to get dark.
and darker
When it got dark enough.. we took pics against the sun.
And we srted being GAY. LOL
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 10:49 PM