geez man i hate visitin the dentist...
had to check my teeth cause of the stupid france thingy..
and i didnt like to cause i had some gum problems...
ARGH. and it was so freggin painful and i wan cursin and swearin inside me as she CUT OPEN MY GUM.
and she didnt inject enough of tht numbing thingys ...
urgh . then had to shove cotton buds in my mouth...
looked totally retarded... then went to slack at me gm's place b4 going home..
my whole mouth was so BLOODY.
it literally felt like i had my period.. but only in my mouth.. wAHHAHAHA
i couldnt drink water nor eat anything warm.
but as JOY OH. its impossible not to eat.. lol
so i cooked some porridge for myself...
divided it into three sections so it would cool faster.
ate from 8 to 10.
and omg... i just finished writing one WHOLE CHUNCK OF MY POST AND ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT.
wonder if it does tht to ppl.
anw.. to sumerize
im being jabbed everywhere.
6 jabs on gum
4 jabs on arm.
went to daddys camp for blood test..
along with many other ns men... or NS BOYS.
then the hall way was small. could hear their convos.
talkin bout all ways to drawin blood...
and fartin alot... lol lack of entertainment
then went to consultation room.
young chap ns boy served me... couldnt find my vein but poked anw.
looked dam nervous cause i warned him b4 to poke once and only suck once.
jokingly obviously
then he failed.=.=''
big doctor cam to help me.
so ended up wit 2 wholes in arm.
hmmm and i got home.. i found out tht my hamsters were ON.
well. i have a few more check ups to go lol.
and i roughly know where im livin...
more to the country side.. and close to the beach !! but sadly.
i'd be alone most of the time ... oh well.
im going to sch to collect my o's cert now.
be back again.
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 11:11 PM