today was a LONNNGG day..
woke up this mornin and went to the flea market. bought nthin but a speaker mic.
bought it at just $2.50
daddy bought it sayin tht we could use as for skype when in france.
anw afterwards we went to buy some fishies and froggies to FANG SHENG.
mummy and daddy=]
we ordered our food and had nthin else to do so we srted to take photos.. whahaha
had more than this=]
YAYY =] enjoyin the life of a single child .. LOL.
THEN. we went to parkway to collect my pay!! lol
then after tht we went to walk around.went to look at some winter wear =]
this was before.
'interviewed' my parents while snackin at delifrance=]
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 6:53 AM