well ...
my brother actually DID get something for me..
YES ar. wo zhuan dao le.....
then my bro said he saw one at causeway point at around 10 bucks.
so i thought... hmm reasonable enough. tough im broke to the MAX (jobless =.=''), i still cant live without music...
so i decided to get it. someday.somehow.
then today, when i was at ngee ann. Me bro texted me.. askin if i wanted to join him do get some computer things at cwp.
i said yeaaaa ... i'll suun biian go see my earpiece.. THEN decide on whether to get it..
and he replied.. "lol... if it's reasonable enough...i'll get it for u.'
and i was like : WOAH?! is that MY brother texting me??
lol... i tot to myself.. wo FEI QU BU KE~
hmmm.. my chinese improvin ^^
then met him at causeway .. realised tht they didnt sell my earpiece.. but sold the adapter...
then i had to buy my OWN normal mp3 earpiece...
the adaptor cost $9.90.. which my bro REASONABLY agreed to buy..
and then i srted browsing through the headphones...
kept disturbin my bro on wad to get .. and he was like " DECIDE already.. im hungry... u either get the headphones or the adapter"
and i was like WOW. I'M DEFINITELY going to get the headphones.. $22. wad a bargain. =]
then... at the payment area.. i just found out tht i had only 2 bucks in me wallet..
and my bro was like.. 'argh k la .... i pay...'
nets-ed it.
and he was grumble-ing bout how broke he has become all thanks to me=]panasonic. $22
samsung adapter. $9.90
my brother is finally a BROTHER.
lol. well this is the second thing he actually bought for me.
1st was my nike water bottle for my bday 2 yrs ago.
and now this....
hmm i wonder why...
=] =] maybe he'll miss me when i'm gone ba..
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 8:24 AM