oh man . THANK god i am still alive am still able to type this post..
i was THAT close to losin my life.
short sumary.
it happened at the condo on fri.
1.) hungry , decided to cook maggi at 2am ++
2.)went to kitchen, started fire.
3.) fire went off. so we turned switch off
4.) but we had no idea the switch wasnt off
5.)gas leaked.
6.) smelled something, but didnt take notice.
7.) leaked more.
8.) i was about to light the lighter.(fingers slightly pressin handle)
9.) shan said, eh dam strong the smell.
10.) ppl outside started coughin.
11.) kept leakin.
12.)shan yi saved the day
whole night i was shakin. i could have exploded in mid air . disfigured. OMG
so thankful to e alive.
i love everyone.
anyway. why were we at condo ? we just had extra keys , so we spent e night there.
went swimming.
sad sad sad. why cant i be super slim. well not too slim. just nice.
nvm lol. at least im not too fat till CMI.
k anyway ... after swimmin, we went over to some hotel to have laska.unglam right ? i know..(just for the cam. not candid)
hmm saturday ...
woke up late .. then slacked a the condo . played game and edited photos..
here are some.
boredom kills.
i totally agree..
anyway .. went over to this fashion to try out some clothes b4 headin to ah ma house.
rest in peace little ones...
sigh ... lived for a day and died the next ..
anw .. i left 3 .. dunno where the last one went . eaten up i guess..
anyway. day four:
erm erm . something wrong with blogger ..
i had to pull three days to upload this post ..
so many things happened... anyway .. monday ...
went out with muhi one on one for a movie .. ANGELS and DEMON .. omg.
NICE MOVIE. should have read the book.
thanks 1/2 jin for popcorn.
hmm .. then err .. tuesday ...
work work work work ...
today .. workin again. so sian !! cant wait till after work !!
gtg man.
things i wanna get :
keypad protector
keypad stickers
hp strap
see see . so many things i wanna get !! but i keep forgettin wad i wanna get !! geeeez..
i had better write them all down...
gosh .. i gotta go rush to work now...
SBS !!
i wanna dye my hair .. JIA SHARE WITH ME!!
omg omg so much to type all forgotten .
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 1:26 AM