hey all. im sooo sian once again.
why ? cause im laggin behind posts !!
GRRRRR four days le since i last posted..
i dont like to lagg behind. i will forget wad i have done.. lol
anyway. i just finish takin some quiz on facebook . well i must say.. these quizes are actually quite accurate. i mean. when you take them, answer honestly .. then wow the results. hard facts.
sigh ?
anyway.. sun mon tues wed. i hv to tlk about..
hmm sun: forgot wad happened. unpackin and unpackin. then err.. sleepin on floor cause no furniture.. errr dam cold..
err erm went chinese restaurant with uncle see hwa and family.
dam ex i tell u . total bill is like 400 sing.
heart pain. hee hee
then errrr dunno wad happened. TOO LONG AGO. STM.
see lah. so irritating to not blog for so long.
pics from sun.
enjoy !
cutting this folding tht. ERMMM building things. as in fixing up tables chairs. LOL competing wit me dad. see who can fix faster . lol sadly i got toooo cocky and lost in the end. HAAH
then i prepared lunch. cause mon was the actual bday. HEE EEE simple just-put-in-oven-and-eat sortta dinner. movers here are youngsters. lol so friendly. in singapore. all uncles.. LOL
beds and all were up. so no more sleepin with daddy and mummy in living room feelin all safe and secured.
i had to put myself up in A DARK QUIET COLD ROOM MAN!!
i tell you. seriously, its freggin dark and DAM quiet i tell you. AHHHHHHHHHHH
i had to sleep with my ipod. crankin volume up .. emoing at every song tht reminded me of many things.. SO SAD.
and and and.. some songs.. really freak me out too...
like MJ's song. you are not alone.
I LOVE THT SONG seriously. very meaninful .. but..during the night, when i listen to it.. and know tht MJ has already passed on. and i think tht im not alone. when LITERALLY i am.... then you know you know... dead mj song ? singing you r not alone? when i am ?? and with my mind so active? wad can i say ???
i just get so scared.
and i had the FREAKIEST dream . HOLLY . i saw ppl commit suicide. REALLY. never sensor !!! OMG the head half embelled into floor. gushin blood. i tell u . i woke up feeling sooo EEEEEEKKKKKKK.
*hair standing* dun wish to talk about it no more.
bottom line is.... first night was horrible.
erm erm .. thts monday night... TUESDAY now..
unpackin and unpackin and sortin and so much more... HOUSE IS IN A TOTAL MESSSS . SERIOUSLY. lol
then best part of the day was skypin with jia and family. HAHAHHHA walked around the whole house with my laptop showin her the whole place. HEEEHEEEE so dam fun.
even tried walkin out of the house to the streets. but couldnt go too far.
LOL. jia and family had taken a walk in my neibourhood ...
dam funny. and so dam coool to skype tht way.
seriously dam funny . hahahahhahaha
then afterwards. me and me mum went to carrefour to get some groceries. on e way.. took A photo. lol
alright .. well tuesday night was the second night sleepin alone... watched mr bean movie... b4 i slept. just to liven up my own mood. then when listening to songs again...
how sad... i hate these nights when i have to sob to sleeep... URGH.so many things to unpack.... looks like some mama shopp
lol then not long ltr.. skyped with DEAR ~ YESSSAR !! LOOOOOOL so happy to see her after so FKIN long~
she is seldom online. and knows nuts about internet thingys. wow weee. just so happy. then afterwards.. cooked up simple dinner for mum and myself cause dad workin..
dam nice. VEGE wrapped with white rice and some extra flavour.
erm erm . i running short of time. i do not know wad else to post. i guess this is all.
i got to SKYPE with ppl who meant alot to me. DAM happy already.
its gettin late. thunderstorm coming up soon.
thts about all...
I MISS U~ (all)
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 12:36 PM