heyyy all .. today is 16 july 2009 !!
on the 18, which is this saturday, i will be movin to my new home !!
then i'll be busy like hell ~
anyway .. this time. i dont think i will hv internet.. cause my daddy signed up this plan two days ago . signing internet thingy ...
and we have to wait for a month b4 it can be activated. oh man. SLOW.
yeaa.. today didnt get forced to wake up. YAY.
well my mum kept irritatin me to wake up and go for a walk.. but i told her.. just let me sleep in.
but she STILL kept disturbing me , so i tried to be a pig as i could.. and she eventually gave up. heehee
well by the time i woke up .. it was about 10 am.
had half boiled egg with tiny pieces of bread.
then slacked ... used the com .. and around 12 30am, we went out to have our lunch...
we walked from our hotel to this central place, where they had mini hypermarts, mac, bread store.. etc etc.
and they also has an esprit store too..out of no where. one esprit store pops out. didnt manage to take any pics sadly .. so tht you all can roughly guess wad im tryin to say...
ANW. me and me mum went in.. and saw 5 euro items. LOL. IN ESPRIT !! ahahhaah meaning $10 sing ... i was like kinda smiling. LOOLL
*jia dun jealous, tht store was not song and song. ITS ESPRIT. EDC !!*
i bought one purple t for 5 euros.
and me mum liked this long sleeve t..but it had a stain. so she thought , it wasnt worth it. and so , we headed off to macs to have our lunch..
it was tough tryin to order the food. but we eventually managed to order one meal.
6.10 euro. $ 12.20 sing for one student meal type set.
HAHA can eat and cry at the same time.
used the internet there for a while .. and decided to head back to our hotel.
on our way back. we had to walk past esprit again.
mum asked if we could try askin them for furthure reduction for faulty items.
and so we tried.
and VWAA LA.
she got it at 3 euros. LOLmum's
mine =]
on our way, saw some SWEET car on sale.
watch tv tough i understand nuts bout wad they're saying.
fell asleep shortly after tht.
then dad came home at about 5:45 pm.
slacked summore.
then mum cooked maggi and soup. share share. then saw tht it was pretty windy outside. and decided to go for a walk.
pics all taken along the way TO nowhere and back to hotel.
heee heeee . so much pictures for y'all to see.. lazy explain. captions will do hey ?
(actually joy oh took alot of the pickchaarrrs(cause no one take for me)sad. )some JUNGLE. just outside the entrance of hotel
see .. so sad. i can only take for my parents..
they are so lucky to have me.nothin funny bout these 2 pics, nor are they my house.. just took for fun to try new angle shots and colour edits. NICE NOT??
hhahahaha ME. finally
ahahahah me again. LOOOOL
oh ya.. did i mention . the time i took all these pics was from 8 pm to 930 PM
they have SO much things caught up in thier web.
click to enlarge. LOLdad's dream garden
no comments on this photo.
ah AH . jayyyy walkin like nobody business. i can send this to stomp!
cheap cheap ice creams
errr .. no comments too.
some elephant shaped tree. haha.
in singapore it might become famous.
ppl might say its some ELEPHANT GOD or something. LOLnice bluee skyy
hahahaha see my mum so cooperative.
asked her to play along the camera.my turn( i seriously think my mum bth me already. LOL)
JIA AND SHAN WHERE ARE U ?!dunno took this pic for wad.
mum says it looks more like shop than house. i think its normalrandom me again (its DAM windy) cold. windy.
some tree. some really aneroxic chiristmas-like tree. HAHA
funny how they grow
random sign board
MINI COOPER !! MYY dreamm carrrrr
lol. we returned back to the hotel.. at about 10 pm ??
then when we opened the hotel room door . i was suddenly amazed by the beauty of the window and the senery outside...
its just like some live motion glowing painting thingy ? haha.
yeaaa and thts pretty much wad happened today.
im going to hit the bed now. NIGHT ALL ~
post again.
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 1:54 PM