today has beeeen HELLA DAY .
so tired !!
GUESS WAD ?! we finally finished all the epis from RED THREAD.
WOAHHH.. my family has SOO much comments.
u guys should watch for once how my family makes all sorts of comments on these shows.
well ANYHOW..
today went to a few places !
sooo lazy to type.
i'll just explain in details hey after each pic ?AHHAHAHA didnt know my mum so DARING MAN !!
im still a kid !!
my fav clothes store !! muahahahha
see . am i loyal customer or wad ?!
i so wanna get this two !! waitin till price drop futhure. hope its still there !
bought a hoddie jacket for 1 euro. a long sleeve T for 1 euro. and cute socks one pair at 1 euro. hee heeee.
cheapo me. awww
well anyway...
dad abandoned my in the car. cause they wanted to go hyper U.. but my feet were tired.
and i abandoned myself in the car. hee heee
camwhored with myself . WOO HOOO
then bla bla bla came home after uncle see hwa brought us around. thank you !
so tired. but mum suggested we go to the lake behind our house not too far away to have our dinner .
so here the pics !
well i got abandoned for the 2nd time !!
left me alone there on the HOLY ground .
lucky i had my ipod !
music. watchin the sunset. eatin my dinner.
FEEELIN IS FREAKIN AWESOME !!sad no one take photo for me =[ i have to take my own feet as ME sitting alone watchin the beautiful sunset . =]
family shot.
watch red thread.
and now im rushin to blog finish b4 the queen WAKES UP !!
ahhahaaahha uncle anthony is talkin to me now.
gosh i feel so powerful multi taskin like nobodies business !
can guide him . can type to him . can reply his qns. can blog . can keep up !
太厉害了 !
correct not ?
oh no . my chinese. CMI. ( cannot make it ) uncle anthony. for your refrence*
feels so weird callin him uncle anthony . ahhaha like callin my own dad.
well anyway.
i better go pretend to sleep now !
tml is a new day !
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 3:13 PM