Today's mood was on and off kinda ?
i dont know...
i had a dream tht was related to him .
which wasnt really kinda appropiate to start off the day with ...
woke up feeling pretty much bothered by it.
but i got better as hours went by ...
made myself sandwitch for lunch and hurried online =)
chatted with friends ...
and as usual .. mixed into the chat group of m5er's in my msn.
was just a normal day kinda...
then all of a sudden...
''jin'' has been added into the conversation ...
at first i was like HUH ?
and it took me a while to really figure out tht it was really him.
once i saw him being added into the convo ... i immediately left the conversation chat.
and there i was.. stonning at my screen ....
thinking ... he's back already ? shouldnt he be back till fri?
in like 3 days time ?
while i was thinking.. i got invited back into the conversation chat...
and i kinda managed to see a few sentences before pulling myself out once again...
then i thought to myself...
maybe i should just leave the whole group...
and i did.
i felt kinda sad.. like .. im unable to fit in anymore...
but oh well.. maybe it's better this way?
i wasnt really needed in there anyway...
i'm sure tht he was more welcomed than i was...
and thts when my mood swug low..
moodless =(
SIGH SIGH SIGH . i felt really stressed the whole day...
and its pretty obvious why...
i felt tightness in my chest.. and for the whole day ... i couldnt breathe right.
so i kinda went to distract myself.
drawing... listenin to music... etc etc
then yit hong came online and asked if i wanted to play a few rounds of cs with him..
i was like sure? why not.
and so i did...
i did feeel pretty hyped up afterwards =)
i won him 10-7 , was kinda stressful for me cause i didnt wanna lose.
and i got really happy when i won him.
and yeah.. kinda made my day...
well then queen invited boss's wife over for dinner.
and we chatted...
then i came back to use my comp and kinda blogg hopped around.
and thts when i knew... i did have readers ...
and it was pretty heartwarmin to know .
i always believed tht tht someone still bothered.
flash flash.
but hey? nthin changes. and nthin will change ...
STILL , i will givva big SIGH.
It will just 'hang' on... just like how it does on the head of my bed.
now come to think of it.. i feel pretty retarded tellin a picture good night every night...
but, i'll still hope. tht one day. he will talk to me. like how he used to .
till then, i can only keep dreaming.
alright. enough of emo posts...
i gotta thank muhi . cause we're taklin right now as i type this post.
and its stoppin me from being emo for the night =)
apprecicated. tysm.
OKOK. well anw. for today.. i recieved the sch's letter already.
and heard tht sch doesnt start for me till 11 NOV.
yaaahh ... still so longgg.
and also i heard. tht every season. we have holidays. how cool is tht?
but it doesnt make a diff anw. i cant hangout with anyone but my family .
but its still cool.
okok .. my post today might be a little too wordy and too plain boring.
sorry u guys.
today was just not my day =(
too emo and too sad to end the post with my 'fat' face...
i guess...
tomorrow will be a new day... hey ?
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 3:40 PM