arghhh im havin a mini headache!
i hope it will go away sooon~
i neeed to be in my best of best condition for the whole of this weeek and next! err hem*
meeehhh i just need to sleep early tonight.
BUT. before i do so, i just felt like feeding blogger a post :D
well.... my previous post was very emo nemo. i know.
MADE daddy oh angry.. boo hoo.
offered to prepare breakfast the next day. and sooooo.. on tht emo night. i went to prepare some of the ingredients first.
but i kinda got carried away ;X
let me just share with you how.. exactly.
yeh that's right~ im egg's worst nightmare.
rawr. fear me.
well anyway.. i boiled the eggs. washed the veggies and all. packed em in the fridge and i left the rest for the next morning.
sooooo . i kinda wokke up at 9? but i snoooozed all the way till 9:20am.
washed up and headed to the kitchen to whip up my delicious breakfast.
nice huh ? how can he still be angry :D
but no joke. at least i tried to redeem myself.
look. i even wrote this little im sorry forgive me thingy and added it as deco.
aaannddd somehow. things got better.
he asked me to mow the lawn tht evening and i did .
we're both cool now :D
alright! let's pull date back to saturday!
neado~ i received my watch!! yayy. THANKS AGAIN CAROL! ;D
it came in this cute lil box all wrapped up in bubble wrap.
loved it. it was definately a good buy.
im just wondering how long will it last. lol
my fate with watches dont really last tht long. the longest one i've ever worn was 2 yrs straight.
it had never left my left wrist before. hahahahah cool huh? :p
and soo sat. we went out downtown to bordeaux. as usual.
aaaaaand we went to eat COLD NOODLES :D
excellent ideaaa~!
spells YUMM huh :D
fret not! if your lucky enough. you can really try this for yourself ;D
just some random photo. pretty leaves (:
oh . so it was saturday tht i made daddy oh emo... :/
yehhh. and then i didnt take anymore pictures throughout the day. hah
okay so back to sunday~
made breakfast .. and after tht surprisingly... dad offered to bring us to the flea market nearby.
heard it was a small scaled one. but oh well.
thr wasnt really much to see.
but i bought some items anyway :
pretty huh? :)
at a pretty price too ;P
my bargaining skills have improved from experience. bohoyttt :D
after the fleamarket . we came bk and i helped mow the lawn.
this time with a help of a pushable lawn mower :D
weee bonus!
so i kinda did it in a jiffy :P
THEN evening came. carol came to ask me if my family was keen on catchin the fire works tht night at arcachon... if yes, she'll tagg along.
they were keeen honestly. but they didnt wanna be caught in the jam.
so i was like . baah carol. we're not going.
and she was like. argh shucks. sian.
then this brilliant idea struck me! :D
i went : HAYAHH my parents dun wan go . then we two go ourselves lah! if you dun mind driving down. hahahah
and she totally went over the moon. she didnt even think of tht! hhahahhaa but speaking of which. why didnt you think of it ? LOOOOL! blur one.
hehee and so.. it was just teh two of us!
hahahahahahah pro eh! she's just like a year or two older than me and YET already so successful!
awww *zi bei zi bei. LOOOL! :X
we reached there quite early. fireworks starts at 1030. but we were already thr at about 8+ but STILL no parking.
and so.. she decided to park at my 'future' sch.
we just had to walk alot thts all (:
on the way~ i took a pic of my school . LYCEE GRAND AIR
woah. one long long long school.
as we walked down the slope of the road... she shared some of her stories she had with this school years bk .
interestinggg. and im kinda nervous for next month :S
oh well. i'll panick when the time draws closer :>
ok bk to topic. once we reached arcachon... we kinda hhung around the jetty area to watch some dance group perform.
(group was on the left of this pic. ops)
and thenn.....
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ i had triple choco! and carol had this cookie thingy flavour . hahahah
but woah was she lucky! her one scooop was literally THREE SCOOPS FULL!
lucky in one way. but unlucky in another way..
she was eating it like a 3 yr old! :X
ice cream went out of control. melting all over the cone and onto her fingers. ahhahahaha
poooor her.
BUT she eventually finished it clean enough.
then after we went around huntin for a spot to sit down.
but she kinda had in mind tht we just stand around the jetty area.
i wasnt SOOO with her on tht one . hehee cause i wanted a good spot prolly in the sands!
but! i could tell tht she hesitated when i posed my idea.
simple reason! cause ! she just cleaned her car. *errrhem!
ahahahah so it was totally understoood.
BUT ANYWAY i somehow managed to persuade her to settle down in the sand!
and im so happy we did!
yayy yayy yayyy
we sat right infront of the barriers!will you look at tht crowd!
our awesome view of the full jetty :D
i brought snacks! heheee
carol and i kinda played around with our cameras... interviewin each other with lame and funny comments. ahhahahah
tested diff effects of the camera as well .
random shot of the jetty:
time passed pretty well.
and then while recording ... we heard the first BOOOM! :D
and it started!
i managed to capture one or two acceptable shots :D
lemme just sum it up to ya ...
the whole experience was ......
im not good with words. but i tell you... the whole experience left my jaw hangin !!
aww man.
it was so magical ... soooo real, so pretty.
GAH! limited vocab :(
but you really have to be here to experience this.
front row right under those bling bling exploding things are seriously to die for.
we could literally just lay down on our backs and enjoy the view.
but i was greedy. hahaha i wanted to snap down as much photos as i possibly could. sooo. not much of lay down and enjoy .
for this is the last and only firework display for the summer. and for me.
cause why?
hahahahah P&Cs i guess :D
okok im being draggy in explaining . ahahhahahha cause im just tooooo overwhelmed by this experience. :P
after the event.
we went to settle with HOT CHOCO DRINK! to warm ourselves up before heading back home.
it was a chilly night :D
and tadahhh~
this was how i spent my awesome unforgettable sunday night ^v^
THANKS CAROL! for pickin me up and droppin me bk home!
had an awesome time watchin the display with ya! :D
reached home bushed.
slept at 2! OMG unbelievable! ahahhaha usually at 2 i'd still be wide awake. heheee
and soo.
i woke up this morning at 2 pm!
WAH seh 12 hours of sleeep.
im definately a full fledged pig xD
today. i spent my whole day packing and cleanin my room!
changed the bedsheets ...
and rearrange some things in my room :D
found some pretty cute stuff lying around in my room :D
check this outt :
these are just some photos laying around in the drawers of my room .heheee
weeee parcels i received lately :D
dont know why. opening parcels are just like opening presents! soo exciting!! hahahahah hahahaha but only difference is.. i've already paid for them. so its weird tht im excited. its nt tht is free or something right? LOOOL!
then then i had new items displayed on my bed shelf
well just ONE new item. tht thingy i bought from the flea market ytd.
i just had some different arrangement thts all .
and .. i've put my new mini wardrobe to use already! yayy
i've opened up to show you clearly ... where my ringsss. my bracelets and myy necklaces are at!
weee~ finally i've got them all close tgt.
i use to have bracelets kept at the other end of my room. and rings on my bed side table. and necklaces where they currently are. but now.. YAYY they're all right in front of me!
this way, its easier to get wad i need to go with my attire :D
alright its late.
i know this post was kinda all over the place.
ahahahha messy huh?
im rushing!! heee thts why :S
i wanna go to bed already!!
& i'll be sleeeping while you fly ;P
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 3:03 PM