im finally home !! ahahahahh
ytd i stayed at Shan's place.. lol both jia and i ..
im like EVERYWHERE !! gosh..
i miss home.. BUT
theres no curfew here .. and i cant stop myself from using e com !! lol
stayin up into e night til 5, 6am .. sleepin till 3pm ++..
OMG .. wad kinda life is this.. LOL !!
anyway .. on monday ..ytd?? me and jia went over to northpoint to wait up for shan to fnish sch...
then saw dear ..and her new idian friend..
then didnt really talk to her .. just smiled.. cause i was emoing.. for some reason..
ANYWAY .. afterwards we took a bus to sembawang shoppin mall..
took my mind away.. felt better after shoppin'..
lol .. went to cotton on first. bought white shoes at just $2.
and a shirt for me dad. =]
then spent most of e time at daiso .. here's some pictures we took on the day..ahahah nice caps there !
ahahah in e toilet^^
in this fashion fittin room =]
then we went upstairs to shan's room...
found this on her desk .. LOLi mean.. how bored can she get ?? PAINTING A SANITARY PAD ?? like OMG??
AHAHAHAHHAH cute cousin..
then we used our lappies.. but shan had to study for her test.. but as expected.. she fell asleep even before she srted... lol
ahahahhah dam funny...
lol then she was late the next day for sch which was today !!
funny thing is .. she reached school and found out she was already late .. so she turned back and headed home !! ROFLMAO !! ahahahaah
so she decidedly skipped sch..and so she had to get an MC ..
then when we got to one clinic. it closed at 5pm. and we were there on the dot !! but then didnt get to consult e doc.. had to wait till 7pm where it would reopen...
so we took our Q no. and went to north point to slack.. shan CLAIMED tht she wanted to study at mac.. lol so jia and i left her there ..
went to popular to get acrylic paint at $10.05 ..
so tht i can paint me shoes..or plain t shirts..
went to watsons and managed to snap a pic of this..ahahahaha
walked around a while more then got called back by shan cause she was bored..
so we went back to mac and killed time there...
played left4dead ^^
ahahahhaha played wit the touch pad !! awesome skill aint it .. lol.
my wireless mouse ran out of battery...
then it was time to go .. packed up.. then headed for the clinic.
took AGES..
afterwards took a bus home ...
lolss... pretty long post ..
gotta stop here..
ps. i skipped french lessons today !! LOL
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 2:15 AM