my morning window~
heyy allll~
today is friday .. AGAIN. meant to be playin basketball and all but ... IM HERE.
sadly. =(
anyway today is not so interesting.
its usually like that ... when you come to some place new.. you'll be like WOAH this WOW tht ... but when you are there long enough . nthin seems to interest you anymore..
wel, im starting to settle down here... things are getting tidier..
and now i have a routine already.
morning wake up, eat light breakfast. head to carrefour. come back . prepare lunch . eat , pack... have snack... slack use com, prepare dinner. pack a lil.go for a walk. bathe, use com, sleep.
maybe. and im out of songs on my ipod.
i listen to my ipod everynight just to distract myself .. but the songs keep repeating. and ive heard them upteen times.
songs tht i used to like. seeem boring to me already.
anyway ...
last night was cold night. and last night was sucky.
i didnt had a bad dream like nightmare-dream but i had those dream like sad-emo dreams.
dont wish to say it but i woke up feeelin very lousy~
emo emo emo emo.
anyway .... i woke up had cornflakes again ... then while later. when to carrefoure to get some food with me mum...
and i found my 'shoppin bag'
(here in france, they dont provide plastic bags after you've purchased your items.)
its either you have a bag of your own, or you just use your hands or the shirt.
anyhow , this is my stylish shoppin bag.
and this is MY mum's STYLISH shoppin bag (recycle bag)
whose is nicer ?? ITS OBVIOUSLY MINE.
lol i dont have to ring those o piang o piang obvious recycle bags out anymore.
(fyi, shan gave this to me) yay.
pics taken at carrefore :purple vege . so hip
shinny vege, so clean.
aunty in-da-making
lol aunty wanna-be.HAHAHAHAHAAH jkin
just tht pathetic few stems. 15 cents LOL
hey yooouu
anyway .. came back home. had lunch .. pizza again. DAM sian. cant help it. no stove.
and then lazed around my room and BANG. hit the bed.
sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeept like some pig. like seroiusly. PIG.
had another dream. tht i had prelim exams tml... GOD. its soooo stress i tell you.
miss ong wassssss STRESSSIN ME LIKE HELL ~
then woke up. help prepared dinnerr ... thern came to use com. but it was already late. everyones asleep . so sufred e net. played facebook game. the basketball thingy. beat larry. YAYYYY..
then feeelin super bored. i went into MASS PRODUCTION. wad girls alone with the webcam would do..
i made it a little smaller. some might find it too bitchy or i did it on purpose with the angle and pose or somesort... so maybe these ppl should view the photo below :
(i hope im nthin of tht sort.. i haventhin to show anyway. Lol )
here ! enjoy~
yepppp seriously.. i feeel dam retared. i took the quiz on facebook. HOW RETARDED ARE YOU. IM ONLY 10% !!!
but HEY !! 10% BUT STILL RETARDED !!!!
alrighty. its gettin late and cold. i better go take my shower b4 i freeze up.
seee you all ~
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 11:23 AM