yosh !!
short post tonight.
i survive monday !! WHOOTS !
hah , as usual ... didnt wanna get outta my warm bed.
dragged myself out and stood in front of the heater =)
its THAT cold.
i never leave the heater for more then 2 mins. LOL !!
its like i wake up. i run to the heater to warm up.
then run to brush up.
run back to the heater to warm myself again..
then run in my room to get my clothes and run back out to the heater again.
heat up my clothes.
and if i have to, i'll CHANGE IN THE LIVING ROOM
just queen and i , so not so bad hey ?
if king is awake already.
i'd run into my room change and run back out.
muahahhahaha madness morning
its a low of 4 degrees almost everyday now.
even at home its cold !!
today, it rained in the morning .
but wasnt so heavywhile i was on the train...
but when i got to the tram, it was POURING.
oh god.
and i had to walk a bloody 20 mins to school in the rain.
i didnt take out my umbrella cause i was lazy to . and plus i had double hoodies on.
then school was alright.
facing tht same GL face everyday.
but anyhoos. i shouldnt givva dam !!
after school, it rained HEAVILY.
umbrellas were USELESS cause of the wind.
ur umbrella would just flip out on ya. and still u'd get wet.
so i was drenched.
i could never have imagined tht autumn would be this cold.
then then journey home was normal.
managed to get a seat and slept all the way NEARLY missing my stop. HENG AHH~
and i went to get my train ticket for december.
there were like quite alot of ppl queueing up for the counter.
and i sorta waited till there was no one.
cause the place was small and echo-ey ...
but more and more ppl came in ... and i didnt wanna wait forever.
and so i went to queue up.
there was this middle age man behind me. prolly around 45 ?
i tried my luck and asked : '' excuse-moi, errr vous parlez anglais ?''
(do u speak english)
and he said yeah just a little.
and i was like WOAH !! THANK GOD.
and i asked him if he could help me purchase and ticket. like translate it to the counter lady.
he said why dont i try ?
lol and i wrote out this sentence in french in my notebook ..
and he asked me to read it to him.
i was like HUAT ?! u my teach now ? LOL
and he said you speak kinda good french.
try harder u'll get the hang of it.
and kinda chatted a while b4 it was my turn for the counter.
i was kinda stunned and stress to know tht someone is watchin me speak french...
i had no confidence of asking about what i had already written down.
and so i decided to just placed the book on the glass plane for the lady inside to read...
and tht uncle took it away and asked me to try read it ...
waahhh seeehhhh man !
haha he explained to the counter lady tht im learning french, so give me a shot.
all was so patient man !! OMG YAH ?!
lady in the counter was smiling and waiting for me to say.. and ppl queuing up behind me were all curious to how i would say it and all..
woah the whole experience was HECKIN AWESOME.
so hardd to type it out anyway.
bottom line is. i officially had a REAL french conversation with a french man !! WHOOOTS !
well... anw, said to make it a SHORT POST.
alrightios... i shall end here. no pics ! lazy upload !
tee heee
& yeah u . status quo. k?
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 8:45 AM
WHOOOTS !! back to bloggin.
oh dear... im becoming an irregular blogger ?!
tsk tsk
*shakes head*
*heaves heavy sigh*
ahahhaahah !!
new colour flashfetish/mixpod . XMAS SONGSS !!
whoot whooot !!
anyway ... today is sunday !!
ARGH !! #@$^&*$%$#*)%
anyway let me blog about my long lovely weekend.
had SOME dream on friday night.... AGAIN
woke up feeeling -----> ._.''
snaps back to reality !!
anyway here are some pics of queen and i setting up our XMAS TREEE !!
nice pretty tree ehy ??
=D lovvit ~
my king also knows howda act cute !!
cant wait for Xmas !!
anyway , this was friday...
on saturday , we went out doing our weekly weekend things..
gettin groceries and all...
pretty boring.
during the day, i snapped a shot of this very interesting picture ,
so check it out :
ahahahhahahah THINK DIRTY !!
tsk tsk~
im just jokin. no hard feeelings to the clean ppl reading this blog.
YUPP and anyway check out my XRAY:
its so weird seeing this circular thingy in my head.
and i wandered wad it was...
is it normal ? does everyone have it ?
and i went to google some images of skulls.
and non of them had tht in their heads...
lol .
OR. maybe it was just something in the machine ....
just happened to have tht thought..
OPPS , paranoia !
hee heee
anyway yeah...
SATURDAY night was an interesting one...
we had to go to this farewell party for my dad's friend...
i was REALLY relunctant to go...
but for the food's sake.
i went =)
i dont really like to attend anything ''king's camp'' and ''king's friends'' thingies/gatherings..
i feel so outta place...
like ALL adults.
you have NO topic...
and all u do is pin a fake smile and pretend tht you ENJOY and AGREE with wadever they are talkin about.
sheeesh .
spare me =s
BUT heard tht vanessa would be going .. so i was like ..
yeah yeah.. okay at least ONE teenager.
when i first got there... AWKWARD.
standing in one sopt...
dunno where to go.
cause the house aint big.
and it was floodin with ppl.
and i eventually found a seat..
really had nthin to do... so i found myself ''pretending'' to sms my friend with my hp...
but actually im just reading old msges in my inbox.
then more ppl came flooding in then bla bla bla.
not long later , FOOD WAS READY !!
muahahahah ladies and kids first. WHOOOT !!
and i tell you .. the foood was FANTABULOUS !!
hahaha no such word i know...
then feeelin bored .. van and i went out of the house to take a breather.
muahahah then i had the idea to CAMWHORE with her..
and TADAHH !!
here are some retarded pics of us tht night.wth was i doing right ? LOL it was a failed random jumpshot =s
best shot of the day taken by moi !! (Y) =DMJ RELIVED !! whahahahahahh nonsense OPPS
mainstream shot =)
so this was VAN and i. (and neville*last shot)
then came along dad's colleague.
he came out for a smoke...
and caught us playin with our camera.
he couldnt help it and eventually got influence by us and joined the fun !! =D
lol please excuse that unglam face of mine =x
whahahahah but it was fun.
he said tht he felt 18 again .
LOL !!
some shots werent awesome cause we had the camera on self timer.
which is extremely hard to predict when the shutter would snap...
so came out so-so retarded shots.
if i knew which sec the shutter would snap ,
how sad?
but still, some shots better than no shots hey ?
MORE !! :
shots taken by dad's friend of course.
cause it was HIGHLY impossible to have placed it on 10 sec self timer.
THERE WAS NO WAY in 10 short seconds would i have been able run across the road and got myself on tht pillar.
while standing up there.. cars tht went by were lookin and starin at us instead of the ROAD !!
it was really funny...
then naughty us took advantage of the camera flash.
we stood around to see if there was any speeding cars...
and when we would see one, we'd SCARE THEM WITH THE CAMREA'S FLASH.
(posed as road police catchin speeders)
from a distance we saw this speeding car.
limit was 30km/h
but i could tell tht it was 50km/h or more.
tsk* smart me.
then then ... when it zoomed past us by this
much ,
and lol ?
he immediately stepped on his brakes and slowed down.
not abruptly tough.
but i could tell tht he stepped on his brakes cause of the rear end lights.
it lighted up.
then even at the GREEN traffic light , he stopped awhile and played safe.
tht otta teach him a lesson.
hee heee
dangerous i know...
realised shortly after and didnt do it again...
THEN went back into the house ...
took more shots.
check out these kids.
i was talkin to their dad and i asked if i could take a pic of his sons...
and he called them over and said : ''come, open eye big big for jie jie camera''
i was like lol ?!
the elder one looked like this little boy from a commercial for the mini cornetto ice cream ?
haha i tried to find images but i couldnt get any.
but surely SOME of you know who im referring to.
AND ALSO, the younger one, he looks like my little cousin darryl. HAHA
well anyway here's a short vid i took of em:
listen closely to what the small one said
hint : F**K
ahahahah he said FORK. like F_ck~
heee heeee
ahahhahahah those innocent BIG eyes.
ahahhahaha !! CUTENESS !!
lol .. and here are some other pics :
alot of ppl mistook tht my mum drank red wine and thts why her face was all blushed up.
it was cause of the FANTABULOUS spicy foood she ate.
but kinda cool hey ? if she just went along and said yes i drank red wine.
but im not one bit drunk.
then ppl will goo.. WAHHHH , May can hold in very well sehh..
LOL !!
okok enough of sat.
i did this today:
i didnt have a 2010 calenda...
and so i drew out one mini one myself.
i wanna mark out the holidays and IMPOORTANT dates.
like Xmas, My BIRTHDAY !! errr etc etc.
marked out holidays !! WHOOTS !!
im gonna mark em out day by day .
u guys should really do one.
whenever you mark out one day.
your THAT much closer to the days off ^^
and u feeel HIGH =)
self led. but it will make u feel good.
hee heee
this is the this whole weeks weather :
click to enlarge if you have to =)
it will rain like for the whole bloody weeek ._.''
RAWRRR me and my sway itchy mouth...
why did i have to tell my queen tht the weather has been on my side since day 1 of sch ?!
4 degrees ehh !! max 10 ehh !!
what to wear man ?!?!
no selther..
oh manscxzcxzcx.
siansation day tml...
kk i shall stop here.
those who read word for word !!
i hvnt been up updating much.
loosing readers ?
AHH wutevar.
even if there was only ONE reader.
i shud be happy. one better than none right ?? =D
hee heee
ending here
& update update
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 9:19 AM
gosh i must say ...
its definitely gettin colder each day.
with a low of 4 degrees now ?
what's winter ? YIKES =S
my bloody comp is laggin like no tomorrow...
and i realised that i have not been bloggin since tuesday !!
omg time flies.
its been 3 days since i blogged ?
felt like just ytd ._.
i hv so much to blog about !!
hella shit load of pics as well !!
but i have no paitence to slowly upload em now.
i'll upload just SOME then.
cause no pics = no readers .
ahhahahahahah sad fact.
most ppl read blogs mainly to view pics.
there was like tonnes of pics taken tht day ...
i'll upload it on FB instead...
by the end of this month =)
so this was wednesday ..
i met up with venessa after school and we went around bordeaux to walk around !!
had the kabab there...
fully awesome (Y)
and so tht wednesday was gone just like tht.
then came thursday!
wooo ! half day at school !! cause teach had to attend to some reunion thingy...
and recieved news tht public transport would be on strike the following day which was today !!
how cool is tht ?
SOOOO KAA SOOO KAA strike only.
so hello long weekend =)
spent the this friday settin up the Xmas treee !!
taken loads of pics.
but thhen again , i'll upload em tomorrow instead.
im already all tucked into bed ... gonna end my post soon and enter dream world.
anw, TODAY i had my xray done...
15 dec. gonna get my braces !!
OMFG !! HOWWW !!?!?
yay~ i am forced to lose at least a kilo or two ;]
muahahhahaha !!
alright i shall end here !!
tomorrow .. saturday ?!
neeeda clean up my room and LOADS MORE .
i hope i dont need to go out.
but i think highnesses are plannin to do so.
so goodbye saturday and hello sunday ...
sunday is CHOING HMK DAY
so bye bye sunday and hello monday.
monday .. schoool
GAHHH ._.''
i shall continue bloggin tomorrow.
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 4:48 PM
super weird friends...
super long day..
super tired...
super sore throat...
i took the effort.
what kinda attitude?
i got that...
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 3:19 PM
heyy blogg and people !!
MONDAY is finally overrrr~
tues, wed, thurs, fri more to go for the weekends !!
WOPPEEE~ seriously... this weekend i dont wanna go out. i have tonnes of things i wanna do..
but i dont have time...
sobs. i need 15 days to a week, 25 hours per day ...
anyway im wasting time bloggin cause i seriously cant concentrate.
and nthin is going into my brain...
today's test was alright . manageable.
i wont fail. thts for sure. lol
remember how i said tht there is this new girl in class ?
and how very super cocky she is...
she's sitting directly opposite me.
i see her face i seriously wanna SLAP HER -.-
so dam GL!! LOL
i tried to be friendly. i smiled, yet she gave me the look of '' URH WUTEVAR '' and looks away.
LIKE !@$#%^%(%& YOU LAH !!
then when guys joke with her, wah she laughs like as tough its DAM HILARIOUS.
like wth. i really bth this type of girls.
oh man.. i really dont know what to say about her.. no respect to the teachers..
only know how to shake leg, chew gum and give the GL face .. and let all the guys suck up to her.
*PUKE* ~.~''
i thought like FINALLY , i meet a class of GOOD people. i mean ppl not so difficult to befriend with ...
then POOOF. this extra new student comes in.
oh yeah.. and tht catalin... AHAHAHAHAHAH
heard tht ppl are callin him a DAWG.
playboy. tskk ...
not tht im jealous ... but i also bth this kind of guys...
my mum said tht once tht girl is done with this roman guy, she'll move on with the other OLDER more mature guys of the class...
ahahahahahha anyway we'll see..
i just have to tolerate tht GL face of hers from now on.
MUAHAHAHAH best ah her attitude...
if they two got heads on ... im sure that there'll be one nice show. LOL
alrighty anyway...
sch was alright .. during break i sat outside the in field along with delsin and we talked and took a pic!
seriously... the school's buildings and all might be a little rundown... but the environment is AWESOME !!
just sitting on the bench .. all wrapped up nice and warm ...
with the wind in your hair.
ahahahah then soon after TURC boys came over and joined us...
SERIOUSLY .. its a joke when they talk to us..
cause we really cant speak french .. and they cant speak english ...
its like there's NO WAY to communicate ...
ahhahahaha all the actions come out.
its dam hilarious!
we even talked for like 20 minutes.
SO EXHAUSTING. but its cool =)
here's sercan!
*for jia, A.K.A : THE TERRORIST*
then continued with lessons and school ended.
BUT !! it was raining.
i didnt wanna wait for the rain to stop... cause i'd miss my train..
and i just walked in the rain quickly to the tram stop....
then the rain got lighter when i got to the train station's platform..
dried up a little.
taken while waiting for the train..
then had a little delay cause of some problems...
i couldnt understand wad the annocement was anw =X
got home pretty late..
and here i am bloggin =)
oh gosh... body aint cooperating with me today ...
had gastric pains throughout school hours...
and had cramps after !! ARGH...
*sway mouth of mine*
i used to tell ppl : '' WAHH i hvnt experience menstrual cramps b4 eh''
and here i am EXPERIENCING IT ._.''
now i know the bothersome of cramps.
lol and i just told me mum : '' mummy! so far i go school nv rain yet eh .. my lucky charm works ! ''
and wth. it rained today ...
sheeeesh.. my itchy mouth.
anyway. i feel a war in my body coming soon~
just told delsin this evening : '' nah its okay, i hardly fall sick after being in the rain, take my umbrella ''
so TADAH..
i think i can predict my fate already.. lol
WOW like 3 scenarios to prove this itchy mouth theory of mine...
AWWWW ~ ;]
aites gotta blast !! need revisezzzz
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 1:18 PM
heyy !
its late and i shouldnt really be bloggin now.
but oh well , bloggin is a homwork too aint it ? =D
ive finally uploaded the vids !!
its in the previous PREVIOUS post.
go if you guys wanna view my life and friends at school...
just scroll down =)
okok , well erm this weekend is OVERRR ~~
sobs .
just like tht...
its gonna be another long week of school.
what did i do this weekend ?
well sat i just went out with the family to the usual places ...
and i bought these:
baggy flared jeans !! with suspenders !
original price wad 49.90 euros...
close to singapore 100 over.
like holy shit why would i wanna buy tht .
its clse to LEIVS JEANS price range.
well haha, me being very cheapo, i dont buy anything ex.
i got it an at extreme offer !
dun wanna tell u guys !!
lol it don matter anyway. heehee.
the scarf and gloves were on offer too.
i wont deny tht. at least its good items...
well then these are the pics we took :
*or i took*
there's plenty more but im so lazy to upload.
muahahah so selfish hey? only upload some of ME.
muahahahha what to do? its MY blog anyway =)
photos will be up by the end of the month on my facebook!
oh and , i went to the dentist remeber ? to check my teeth...
well, it didnt go so bad.
i imagined it to be the usual dental clinic, where they would torture you with all the equipments they had.
but no, he just merely counted my teeth and settled payment.
OH NO !!
i'll be gettin my braces/brackets on nxt month 15!
YIKES !! brace face here i come !!
oh dear... i wonder if its gonna affect my speech.
i know it will..
i really hope it affects my appetite !!
LOL !! i wanna slim down..
having loads of feedback tht im FAT.
how sad =(
hahahahah but oh well.. we'll see how it goes.
but the bad news is... on tht same week of gettin my braces on, i'll be going to some faraway place to some snowy mountain to have fun ... and stay there for a night or two.
AWW DAMM right ?? like usually the first few weeks are excruciating !!
so how am i suppose to enjoy myself...
ARGH sian.
hopefully GOD is on my side...
please dont make it hurt for me...
PLEASE !! i promise i'll be a good girl from today on words ...
PLEASE AH!! thanks =)
HMM and its gonna rain tomorrow. and its rainin now too ...
and i have no idea wad to wear.
sheesssh. i wish i had uniform.
speakin of sch, i have like 2 tests tml...
like woah !!
and look wad im doing for the day:
not studying...
at all.
lol i merely read through my notes and translated some text...
OH MY GOD !? wad am i doing... practising drawing manga parts at this moment of time ??
i must be nuts.
LOL well anyway yeah..
i had better be going..
long day tomorrow !!
& yeah, i know... but what to do?
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 11:26 AM
wth... ive uploaded the vid since this evening till now.. its been like hours already and blogger is so freakin slow...
i'll upload it on photobucket tomorrow then.
GAHH today .. saturday ~
went outt for dental and all ..
PHOOO long dayy .
then got home... packed and did the usual ... ate and all ...
rough night ...
pisssed and vexed.
ths all i have to say.
im off to bed.
tired eye heart to toe.
i'll post up pics of today, tomorrow.
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 3:45 PM
love this song.
and i did !
so , before i start bloggin about anything , sit back and enjoy the video !
kinda a ''whole'' day video thingy.
long vid , but allow it to load =)
go manually pause the music if you wanna hear our conversations =)
watch :
*if u wanna =]
okie dokie !! PART 1
had to split it into parts cause the vid was too big.
thts why it kept failing !
argh but its up now !!
very nonsensic video of a day in school ...
well, that was a little sneak peak at how my school environment is, how my classmates are, and how full of shit we are when we're together.
well here and there, if u have noticed...
ther was moments where there was this awkward pause in conversation.
one, either it was un heard, or two , non of them understood anything. lol
then the super noisey one, FROM NIGERIA... pretty obvious one too...
hahahahhaha BLACKEST of em all.
anywayy .... also inside there was DELSIN , the one that im closest too. the one tht looked just like a normal indian singaporean.
then also, KAMAL, the 2nd one i interviewed. the one that wanted to kill me with a fire estinguisher -.-
and errr ... cataline. MR ROMANIO ~ the one tht had the groove to music and also the one tht tied my hair.
then EMRE. ZELIHA and SERCAN , all from turkey ...
HMMM and there's this super pretty girl... ITS ALSO OBVIOUS who im referring too....
i find her super sexy, hot, sweet and very sunshine =)
tht one tht i initinally claimed to love, then delsin came to snatch her away...
just being lame, but i really like her... no, ADMIRE her.
yeahhhh .
who else ? well thts all about my friends..
then our break, how we spend it, it SOMETHING like what was shown in the video, cept, the food today was ALRIGHT.
and our clique grew in number... not only 3. NOW 7 in all.
lol so we have more nonsense to talk about.
ALRIGHTY then the end of the vids just boring way home.
TADAHH . done with the video.
came home and compiled all the short clips tgt and published it online.
lol well yeah ...
whole body aching like mad...
long time since i used my muscles. even if it wasnt vigorous at all.
still, PAIN.
and i have a dental appointment tomorrow. AHHH !!
i hate going to the tooth docs.
they all loook evil to me... RAWR.
alrighty! thats about all.
cause im super tired... grrrr~
shitt. video cant load~
will load it up tomorrow! with the same post =)
wait for it y'all !
& i wonder... how do u pass ur days.
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 1:14 PM
im home !! finally ~
oh dear. so tired...
its like ive been tired the WHOLE day.. no WHOLE WEEK!
tsk. anyway last night, i went to check the weather forecast for today and it said 10 to 18 degrees at bordeaux.
so im thinkin tht it wont be cold and i didnt wanna bring my jacket out.
just wore a sweater to school.
then last mintue i ran out of the car to get my jacket INCASE there's a sudden drop of temp.
and i was right.
haha morning was freakin cold...
i waited not too long for my train... and slept all the way to my station...
then got off and tranferred to tram ride !
then got off again and walked to school.
then yeah class was okay and all..
the most happening thing is...
i had an extrme urge to play basketball today..
cause i wasnt wearing anything feminine.
i was in my hip attire. lol...
just a hoodie sweater and my baggy pants with sneakers!
so after lunch, i saw ppl ... playing at the basketball court !
not ppl from my class...
just normal other students from the school.
but the ball i could tell tht it was kinda defalted. haha.
but i was so happy to see a BASKETBALL.
so i kinda hung around to watch em play and shoot araound . then katarine, the roman guy asked if i wanted to play ... he could ask for me.
and i said hell yeah. hahahah
and so we joined.
played a short match.
stresssed .. playing with strangers !
hee hee but i managed to shoot in a few balls !!
but super rusty. =X
i miss playin bball with my mates... =(
anyway i got RAMMED down while defending.
there was a big reaction from ppl around the court.
lol ...
it was just like singapore.. ppl would just stand around behind the rim to watch the match.
and more would come by and slack...
cause ppl RARELY use the court here in schooll.... no one plays basketball..
which to me is like such a waste ....
i'll take a picture of the court tomorrow.
or maybe even a video...
anyway like i was saying... while defending the shot, i got rammed down by this tall guy .. and WOAH. commotion.
ahahhahahah cause i was like the only girl on court.
like O.O right.
i didnt expect so many ppl to watch.
then yeah time was up and i was late for class.... along with another 2.
lol we were SWEATING.
the room's stuffy and hot.. and im sweating. and plus im wearing sweater which i couldnt take off =.=
but hengly , france is a very dry place.
i cooled down in a short while, and started feeling cold afterwards. lol
anyway yeah thts the highlight !!
after school met venessa... and i was bored so i decided to make short clips along the way home from the train. lol
take a look!
*mute the music if u wanna hear wad we're/im talkin about. lol
ahahhahahah boring clip...
anyway ive thought about it !
tomorrow, i wanna record short clips in class !!
hee heee like on my way to school . and maybe record some parts of the school =)
never thought of tht...
i wanna record some of my friends too !! i wonder how it will turn out. lol
hopefully i wont forget =x
well thts all !
im gonna start on my work soon !
after my shower !
so see yah !!
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 9:54 AM
hey all ~
its wednesday today !!
it was freakin misty this morning !!
and a low of 6 degrees !
and i just wore leggins and me boots.
muahahhahaha IRON LADY I AM =)
woppeeee only had 2 hrs of maths class !
BUT still i had to take a total of 3 hrs plus thru and fro travelling time.
why did i have to study at such a farrr place~
well anyway, i charged my phone..
the samsung phone tht i havent been using for ages.
and while in the train on the way to school, i took it out to view what was in the folders.
that phone really has loads of old memories ...
good and bad ones of course.
ive deleted all the bad ones already =)
well anyway.. loads of long lost videos!
i had all sorts of clips in my mini sd.
i was smiling all the way to school while watching the short clips.
from friends, to family and to my little furry pets =)
well a few clips made me think back of the good old times...
i had a few clips of my dear!
and it was during sec 4... i used to go to her place to slack.. along with ..... also.
so much fun back then...
and loads of family vids... so heartwarming to view..
kinda missed those times =)
missing hanging out with FRIENDS ._.
missing my lovely cousins.. how we'd celebrate almost one birthday every 2 weeks ? lol
missing going to east coast with jia..
also doing our awesome one leg skating!
missing my bro and his nonsense....
and missing so much more...
TIME. once gone, cannot be bought back.
sad hey?
well anyway~
theres a new girl in class.
and she looked rather unfriendly and super arrogant.
i wonder how she is tomorrow.
she's still under observation!
LOL like wth am i . hahahahah who am i to observe.
hee heee
then after school came home straight.
and talked to my queen . bout EVERYTHING.
talked for ages !
told her about everything under the sun..
then she started talkin about ME and my ''relationship status''
hahah like all those qns.
and who are my close friends and all...
thinking back and recallin EVERY moment of my life is pretty interesting...
then i left my work only till NOW to finish.
but im so tired. i dont even wish to do.
BUT i have to...
alright i shall get going.
see y'all!
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 1:48 PM
tired tired tired...
exhausted exhausted exhausted...
bushed bushed bushed....
shagged shagged shagged...
and all the other synonyms . lol
anyway. class today was nuts.
the most adorable french teacher was ABSENT.
then our french MATHS teacher took over.
and boy was she in a rush.
an effing 3 hours straight with her !
OMG!! stresseed.
no patience... no system... no nthin !! ARRGHH . struggled so much for tht 3 hours.
and DAMMIT. i really need my specs with me !!!
but i have to wait like another weeek before mine from singapore is flown over =(
so i'll be temporarily blind again for another week =.=
the lunch once again was HORRIBLE.
eeeeek beans and tough meat. YUCKK (~.~)
so i merely just ate bread and ... pastry.
chicken pie ?
i dont know.
well then today, i was rather cold towards the romanio boy.
or maybe to everyone...
cause i was rather tired and listless in class.
then he came up and asked if he has offended me in anyway ..
i said of course not.
and he was relieved.
then he asked for some songs and i sent him some songs...
lol chinese songs.
then after school met up with venessa. and took a tram , then train back home...
comfy journey.
it was the older type trains. they had fluffier seats ! (Y)
then heard from her tht there was this metio shower tonight ?
i dont know.
at 11 pm, my highnesses and i went out to gaze at the stars.
and gawdd
it was AMAZING.
ive never seen so many stars in my life !
and its just outside in the backyard !
like holy shit.
awesomenesssss =D
i really cant describe it. my vocab is really too limited. haha...
it is really...
really fully awesome.
but we saw no SHOOTING stars =(
our neck kinda started to ache.
haha and we went back in.
and i read online tht it was actually 1am in europe tht the shower starts.
so i decided to wait ... till now..
but my queen was too tired and she went to bed first.
so i was left alone.
and i dug out my winter coat. cause its freezing outside.. and i opened my room window and slightly stepped out ..
BRRRR i was smokin! no , vapouring. hahahahah
*smoke out from ur mouth*
well yeah, then before i could let myself out just a little more, the door closed itself on me.
LIKE WAHH !! dam freaky i!!
i was what the shit ?!
and i quickly ran back into my room.
gosh man. it really scared out my balls.
and i didnt wanna go out again =(
and there, i missed it ... how sad.
but oh well.
i have next yr... hopefully there's one more soon.
alrighty. anyway.
BTH ADY!! i wanna go to bed now.
so see y'all !!
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 4:12 PM
hello twin.
i didnt know i had a twin O.O
anyway today was monday ! LIKE WOOO !!
i was so super reluctant to wake up.
DAM TIREDD. no idea why... ZZzzZZzzZZ
then dragged myself outta bed brushed, changed ate and off i went.
i manage to catch the earlier train.
but got on the wrong cabin. WAHH so damn packed ._.''
As, usual... it was a long long lonely cold journey to school =(
but it's cool... im happy with it. as long as i have mosic.
so nice to walk in the cold when your all wrapped up nice and warm.
with your big headphones warmin up the ears, and your hands in your pocket.
im gonna miss ''these'' days ....
AHHHH i wanna stay here =(
but i miss all my friends back in singapore.
what to do. 2 yrs better than nthin.
i'll just keep dreaming and hoping tht im able to come back here in the FUTURE =.=
ZZZzZZzzZz ...
maybe i shuold sign on !
WHAHAHAHA maybe i should .
wah wah wah.. thinkin bout the future is so sianz man.
i shud shut up.
well anyway... today i had new lessons. MATHEMATIQUE !!
the teacher was dam @#$#^%^#$%^ one..
cant talk, cant laugh.
bloody hell. speak in french HOW TO UNDERSTANDZXZXZXXZ =.=''
then cant even ask my friend.
but THANK god maths is in NUMBERS.
not some other werid character ._.''
mian qiang still can do.
had a spot test. WOO !! teacher said my maths wad goood ! PERFECT!
it was just the basics anyway....
but i felt better cause teach saw me as '' oh, this asian has some brains ''
so i ASSUME . tht even if i was slow in french, i dont think she would get so pekcek with me.
if maths fail, french fail. G.G man =x
then after maths , was break... WAHH like finally.
ive been counting down every second to our lunch break.
muahahhahaha . avoidance behavior ! tsk tsk..
then while queueing up for entry to the canteen..
i was standing with the usual.... but very awkward cause tht romanio boy was just infront of me.
then he turned around and just started talking bout i forgot wad =s
then yeah. he got separated from the group cause he went in first.
like HENG AH.
dunneeed to sit with him... STRESS.
i dont know how to REACT to his jokes FOR me.
once again. he tells me tht i have beautiful eys.
and so wad am i supposed to say ?? i said thank you like a dozen times already.
then in the canteen, he walked pass a couple of times where i sat.. but i was too engrossed in eating..
tht i didnt notice him till my friends smacked my sholder and said he's callin for me.
and when i looked up, he just smiled and winked at me ._.
like O.O
madnesss. EEEEEK~
wad/how am i supposed to dooo/reacttt siaaal. ZOMG .
then he went out of the canteen after eating and from outside the glass window , he sent one flying kiss over to me again.
!!!! GRRRR
ZZZzzZZzZZZ i admit he's kinda cute but seriously. i dont know what he wants. lol
then after the break , the class hung around outside the classroom ...
then i was listening to my songs. and he came over and asked wad i was listening too. and i sent him a few akon songs?
then soon after... the classroom was open. and he passed me something.
some electronic dictionary.
french chinese. i told him i didnt need it.
cause i think i understand french better than i understand chinese. LOL
my chinese SUCKSXZXZX ._.
then he was like. for you. take it. i dont use it.
so tadah. another item from him.
one marble and now dictionary. wads next. lol
then yeah normal school and class.
then still had to take the SUPER SIAN LONELY JOURNEY HOME =(
and yeah reached home kinda early...
BORING life right.
i finally mastered how to really use the chopstick.
hee heee.
but this one is still kinda loose and messy.
i'll work on it.
and i picked out wad im gonna wear tomorrow.
check it outt :
weird match hey ?
the top is like ''MEN''
and the bottom im just wearing leggins.. with the boots.
(its impossibel to wear this in singapore. WHAHAHAHAH im seizing the orportunity !)
hopefully it wont go under 10 degress tomorrow. i'll die O.O
saw on the newspaper. max 16 lowest 10.
not so bad i recon?
alrighty. i shall go revise .
its late tough.
oh dear.
wad a habit ...
& not my fault =)
LaLaLa & it ends here~ 1:52 PM